Free Keyword Search Volume

Discover untapped keywords and their search volume to elevate your content strategy.

What is Keyword Search Volume?

Keyword Search volume is defined as the number of times a specific term or keyword is entered into a search engine within a given time period, usually on a monthly basis. This metric, “Search Volume,” acts as a fundamental term used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and digital marketing to assess the popularity, potential, and worthiness of a given keyword. Understanding the importance of the Search volume of a keyword helps website owners and marketers identify & pick keywords that are more likely to drive organic traffic to their website or be effective in their marketing efforts.

What are Keywords?

Keywords or Focus keywords are phrases people use while searching for something online. It can be researching general information, products, services, or answers to their questions.

For example, searching for “Keyword Volume tool” is also a keyword.

To put it in easier terms, a keyword is a search term you want to rank for, and the end goal is you want your page to rank for that specific keyword or term. Understanding Keyword Search Volume helps website owners and marketers to identify which keywords are more likely to drive organic traffic to their websites and make informed decisions.

How does a keyword work?

Keywords are crucial in how search engines work and connect users with relevant content. By optimizing your content for relevant keywords can help search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc., to serve relevant content for relevant queries.

This starts from the very basics of adapting On-Page SEO to your content. When a user searches for a query, the search engine finds indexed pages with relevant keywords and displays them on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

However, remember that this can’t be achieved by simply stuffing keywords randomly on a page or article. With regular search console updates, you must provide users with high-quality and relevant content with targeted keywords to rank higher on search engines.

In summary, Keywords act as a bridge between what users are searching for and the content that’s present on the web. When a user’s query matches the keyword on a web page, it increases the likelihood of that page appearing in the search results.

What is the importance of Search Volume in SEO?

Search Volume is an essential metric in digital marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) due to its impact on various aspects. Here’s why Search Volume is crucial in SEO -

  1. Keyword Targeting - Search Volume helps SEO professionals and website owners to identify the keywords or keyphrases that users frequently search for. By identifying higher search volume, you can optimize content with higher search volume keywords to attract a large audience.
  2. Traffic Potential - Higher search volume keywords can drive considerable organic traffic to a website. Strategically targeting these high-volume keywords can help the websites tap into a larger pool of potential audiences and increase their online presence.
  3. Competitive Analysis - Search Volume data allows the SEO professionals to assess the competitiveness of a given keyword. Highly competitive keywords often have huge search volumes, but they require more effort to rank. By understanding the concept of Search Volume and keyword difficulty, one can make an informed decision in selecting keywords.
  4. Content Creation - SEO as a whole heavily relies on search volume data. It guides content creation around keywords relevant to the target audience and intent and aligns with their search behavior.
  5. Market Research - Search Volume data provides insights to users from different perspectives like their interests, preferences, trends, intent, and lots more for a given niche or industry. This information can help companies and brands make informed decisions for their product development, content strategies, and overall business decisions.
  6. Tracking Progress - With proper on-page optimization and targeting keywords, you can keep an eye on the change in search volume for a given keyword and assess the effectiveness of SEO campaigns. An increase in search volume often indicates improved visibility, whereas a decrease signals the need for adjustment or replanning the strategy.
  7. Strategic Planning - Search Volume is essential in developing a well-rounded SEO strategy. It helps set realistic goals and allocate resources to make data-driven decisions throughout the SEO process.

How to find Keyword Search Volume

Identifying a keyword's search volume is pretty simple on our website. To get started, simply enter the keyword you want to search volume for get the volume for a keyword. As simple as that, you can quickly identify the search volume of a keyword using

However, it is about more than just the search volume. Understanding the keyword intent is equally vital. Keyword intent refers to the reason behind a user’s search query. To enhance your keyword research strategy, you should consider using tools like Google Trends, Google Search Autocomplete, Accuranker Keyword data, and more.

Before committing yourself to a keyword, you should analyze its trend and seasonality using Google Trends. You should also check out the intent of the keyword you choose, whether it is informational, navigational, transactional, or commercial. This will give you more insight, help you tailor your content to meet the user’s needs, and ultimately boost your SEO efforts.

So, while performing keyword research, remember to check the search volume and understand the intent behind those keywords. Here are some tools that can help you find keywords -

What is a Good Keyword Search Volume?

A “Good” Keyword search volume can vary significantly depending on various factors, but it can vary between the industry, goals, and niche. There isn’t a specific number to constitute a good search volume because the keyword volume you see on any tool is relative and is subject to change. However, here are some general guidelines that would help you evaluate keyword search volume

  1. Relevancy - When it comes to keyword research, the most critical factor is whether the keyword is relevant to your target audience and the content you want to create. This means sometimes, a keyword with a lower search volume might be more valuable to your audience than the ones with a higher search volume. A keyword with a lower search volume can still be valuable if it aligns closely with your niche or target intent.
  2. Long-Tail Keywords vs. Short-Tail Keywords - When choosing a keyword to target, the two major types are long and short-tail. Long tail keywords are longer and consist of more specific phrases. These types of keywords usually have lower search volumes. These keywords can be considered highly valuable as they have less competition and often a more engaged audience. On the contrary, Short tail keywords are broad target keywords with higher search volume but can be more competitive and hard to rank for.
  3. Competitiveness - In SEO, one should always consider the competitiveness of a keyword. High authority & well-established websites may dominate some high-volume keywords, making it difficult to rank. In contrast, keywords with lower volume give you a better chance to rank higher in search results than the ones with higher search volume.
  4. Target Region - If your business is local, you can target local keywords with lower search volume and still receive quality local traffic with local relevance. Companies catering to global audiences have to target keywords with higher search volumes.
  5. Content Strategy - While planning your content strategy, it should align with your keyword choices. Create content around a particular keyword and ensure it seamlessly fits your overall content plan.
  6. Keyword variations - Don’t solely rely on a single keyword’s search volume. While doing your research, you should look at all the different variations of the keyword and use different combinations; both prefixes & suffixes, when combined, can collectively generate significant traffic.